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Village house/residential plan

The CLP/HK Electric FiT Scheme


Up to 20% annual return

The payback period for solar power systems is typically 3-5 years. After deducting the investment cost of the solar power system, the solar power sold can bring the owner a return of nearly 20% per year.

Even after the project ends, future electricity expenses can be subsidized


​Stable additional income for up to 11 years

The on-grid tariff will remain unchanged for the duration of the approved project, up to December 31, 2033.

Put your unused roof space to effective use and create a stable income stream as soon as possible


Extend the life of your roof

Installing solar panels will protect your roof from direct sunlight, wind and rain, and extend the life of your roof and property


Reduce indoor temperature

​Solar modules effectively absorb heat from direct sunlight and prevent direct sunlight from reaching the roof. On average, a rooftop solar power system can reduce the indoor temperature of a building by 3-5°C


Social Responsibility

Promoting the green power generated by your rooftop solar power system and the reduction of carbon emissions will effectively strengthen your social responsibility image.

In order to create a greener Hong Kong, we welcome you to install renewable energy systems to help combat climate change and to get the grid tariff, so you can kill two birds with one stone!

Where to install

Solar Panels


Household Village Houses (NTEH)


Commercial or Industrial Premise

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Residential Space

(Houses, etc)


Idle Land


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